Sunday, September 27, 2015

Survey Says: STRESS

 STRESS: “Most of our stress boils down to carrying pressure (weight) on our shoulders caused by the “WHAT IF’S”? and the “WHAT NOW’S?” THERE WILL ALWAYS BE SOMETHING We have to learn to manage life’s pressures biblically: I’M NOT ALL THAT (Psalm 23:1, 103:14, Matthew 6:25-27 ). HE IS ALL THAT: (1) Trust Him through prayer (2) Trust Him through promises – Lay hold of His promises. DECLARE ALL THAT (*Psalm 34:1, 43:5,  Acts 16:23-26). ðŸ“Œ LEARN MORE:

Sunday, September 20, 2015


 MOODS MATTER: God wants in a Christians heart is = JOY (Psalm 100:2, Romans 12:11, 15, Psalm 16:11, 98:4) “LEARN TO GUARD YOUR HEART”! (1) OWN YOUR HEART: I have emotions, they don’t have me (Psalm 42:11, Isaiah 26:3) (2) FIX YOUR EYES: Where I focus will determine how I’ll feel. (Hebrews 12:2) 📌 LEARN MORE:

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Survey Says: PURPOSE

 YOU HAVE PURPOSE: (1) FIND YOURSELF : What am I passionate about??  What am I good at? (2) LOSE YOURSELF: Serving the Body of Christ. Changing the broken world. ðŸ“Œ LEARN MORE:

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Survey Says: PRAYER

► 3 PRINCIPALS TO HELP US “PRAY ALWAYS”... (1) PRIORITY: "First” communicates priority in our lives.  (2) PLACE OF PRAYER: It’s the place of prayer where we can “shut the door” – block everything else out, close out the noise of the world and just spend some isolated time with the Lord. (3) PERSON OF PRAYER. This is all about having true and living relationship with God. ðŸ“Œ LEARN MORE: