► FORGIVENESS: What do we do when we’ve been wronged? (1) Clam up (2) Lash out (3) Carry it around. ▼ JESUS shows us exactly what we are to do: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34) ▼ FORGIVENESS IS NOT: APPROVING and/or FORGETTING = FORGIVENESS IS LETTING GO < LETTING GO is NOT EARNED, PROBATIONAL (Matt 18:21) and is NOT a FEELING (MARK 11:25) < LETTING GO is releasing them from OUR DEBT, REVENGE (Rom 12:19), REVIEW, REMINDERS (1Cor 13) and our RESENTMENT.▼ We LET GO through PRAYER (Mat 5:44), PERSPECTIVE (Eph 4:32), PERSISTENCE and PURSUIT. ► FORGIVENESS IS LETING YOU GO: FORGIVENESS IS OUR GREATEST NEED 📌 LEARN MORE: http://bit.ly/CC-learnmore ☛ Citizens on YouTube: http://bit.ly/Citizens_Subscribe